Our business in Lithuania
Rietavas Region
The company maintains good and friendly relations with the community of Medingenai village. UAB “LL investicijos” helps the community to upgrade their local school and the community house.
Klaipeda Region
The company develops good and friendly relations with the local communities and institutions.
UAB “LL investicijos” supported the events held by Judrenai local community of the commemoration of the anniversary of the S. Darius and S. Girenas Transatlantic Flight, which were of national importance.
Silales Region
The company puts every effort to sustain friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the local people and institutions.
Silutes Region
The company does its best to maintain close relations with the local communities, by taking part in the events organized by the communities and local institutions, providing financial assistance and contributions to all kinds of events, projects, schools, communities of the settlments where the company operates. UAB “LL investicijos" supported Sveksna town birthday and Sveksna town summer festival. The company provided financial support to Stemples village local community for the renovation of the church and setting up the community center.
Pagegiai Region
The company keeps good open and mutually beneficial relations with the local people and institutions.
Taurages Region
The company is open for cooperation and keeps friendly and mutually beneficial attitude in relations with local people and institutions.