About us
The private company UAB “LL investicijos" was founded on June 13, 2006. The company was granted the license to explore and produce hydrocarbons in Rietavas block in 2007. The same year the first well Silale-1 was drilled near Stemples village. It is still on production since then.
Director Natalja Haselton
Deputy Director Ignas Vaiceliunas
Finance Director Virgilijus Petuska
On September 5, 2007, UAB “LL investicijos" was granted the license and the permit was issued to explore and produce hydrocarbons in Rietavas license block. License agreement number is (11-0)-1.
Our values
The highest values of UAB “LL investicijos" are the people as well as the surrounding environment and the nature. Therefore, in its work the company follows the ethical and the legal principles, respects and complies with the applicable laws of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
Social activity
UAB “LL investicijos" is a socially responsible company. We participate in all kinds of social and other activities and events cherishing the well-intentioned and noble purposes. The company also supports the communities located in the license area and other institutions operating within the license boundaries, contributes to their cultural and social events as well as assists with other projects related to their activity. The company cooperates with the schools, orphanages, social organizations and other institutions.